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A parent’s love is the foundation of Islamic teachings. It guides kids to a future filled with patience, resilience, and the fear of Allah (SWT). Raising children is the responsibility of the parents, and they’re committed to nurturing the kids with love. It’s very easy to let go of Islamic values in the current world, and kids tend to go astray. In this guide, let’s explore how to raise kids in Islam.

1. Foundation of faith.

The foundation of raising kids in Islam begins with teaching them about Allah (SWT), Tawheed, and the Prophet (PBUH). Parents should also instill love to facilitate the kids’ upbringing. Bringing up your kids in a home filled with Islam at every corner is one of the best ways to build their foundation of faith. You can lead your kids in prayers, teach them the essence of Solah and encourage them to abide by the Islamic principles.

2. Quranic values.

The Quran serves as the best guide for Muslims, and it provides moral and ethical principles. So, you can introduce your kids to the teachings of the Holy book by reciting regularly, get them their own cute Quran, explain the verses and reflect on the meanings. Teaching kids about the stories of the prophets will impact more knowledge and understanding of Islamic values.

3. Character development.

Character development is a way of teaching kids to inculcate virtues like generosity, honesty, patience, and kindness. You can drive this point home further by telling stories that exhibit these virtues. Encouraging your kids to emulate the behavior of the prophets will instill the best characters in them.

4. Discipline.

Discipline is a crucial part of parenting, but it must be done with compassion and understanding. Islam enjoins parents to disciples with restraint and wisdom, while avoiding cruelty. The prophet (PBUH) encourages gentle correction and the importance of nurturing your kid’s heart.

5. Emotional intelligence.

    Emotional intelligence has been widely neglected in different homes. Many parents expect kids to understand their emotions with little or no help. No, it shouldn’t be that way.

    As a parent in Islam, you must teach your kids how to regulate their emotions while emphasizing gratitude, forgiveness, and patience. You must teach your kids to think thoroughly before allowing their emotions to take the best of them. Open communication and understanding will help children to explain their emotions better.

    6. Community.

    Being a part of a Muslim community will do wonders for your kid’s social and spiritual growth. So, join a legitimate community and participate actively in the activities. Build bonds with other families and help your children to have a sense of belonging among the Muslim ummah.

    7. Be their role model.

      Children like to learn from their parents, so you must become their role model. Ensure that you’re always on your best behavior, and practice patience, honesty, and humility so your kids can learn from them.

      8. Be realistic.

      You must set realistic expectations for your kids, especially in today’s world. All kids have their strengths and weaknesses, so your responsibility is to teach your kids how to use their weaknesses as strengths.

      You must set expectations that you know your kids can meet, and not set higher than their standards. Moreover, setting realistic expectations means that you’ll consider the efforts your kids put into a particular task, even if the outcome isn’t favorable.

      9. Responsibility.

        Today, you see many adults who can’t take responsibility. To prevent your kids from turning out like them, instill the art of responsibility. You can start small by making them involved in the house chores or cleaning their rooms, taking care of the younger kids, etc. Praising their efforts will encourage them to do more. As they grow, you can increase their responsibilities and trust that they can manage.

        10. Spend quality time with your kids.

        One of the best ways of raising upright kids in Islam is having time for them. You should always be available for your kids so that they can always have access to you when the need arises. Discuss with them after Solah, before they go to school, after school, during the weekends, etc. You must be their pillar.

        Final thoughts

        How to raise kids in Islam is a question that might occur to either new parents, new Muslims, or even experienced parents. Thankfully, Islam is a complete religion and has given us guidelines on how to raise the best kids. In this post, we’ve given a few tips on how you can raise your kids in Islam. Check it out and let us know your thoughts in the comments.
